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Distance Sales Agreement


Title: (“”)





Article 1.2 – Buyer

 Name – Surname: Available in the Order Form.

TR Identity Number: Available in the Order Form.

Invoice Address: Available in the Order Form.

Received Products: Available in the Order Form.

Total Sales Price: Available in the Order Form.

Payment Method: Available in the Order Form.

Person to be delivered: It is found in the Order Form.

Phone Number: Available in the Order Form.

Delivery Address: Available in the Order Form.

Person/Institution to be Invoiced: Available in the Order Form.

Invoice Address: Available in the Order Form.

Tax Office: Available in the Order Form.

Tax Registration Number: Available in the Order Form.

TR Identity Number: Available in the Order Form.


Article 2 - Subject

The subject of this Contract is to determine the rights and liabilities of the parties in accordance with the Law No. 4077 on the Protection of Consumers and the provisions of the Regulation on Implementation Principles and Procedures of Distance and Distance Contracts regarding the sale and delivery of the product, the characteristics and sale price of which are specified below, which the BUYER has ordered electronically from the website belonging to the SELLER. Buyer accepts and declares that he/she has knowledge of all the preliminary information about the seller's name, title, full address, telephone, basic characteristics of the goods/services subject to sale, sales price, payment method, delivery conditions, etc. As well as the right of “withdrawal” and confirmed this preliminary information electronically and then ordered the goods/services in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. The distance sales contract and the invoice on the order confirmation page of the website are integral parts of this contract.


Article 3 - The Product Subject to the Contract

Type and type of products, Quantity, Sales Price are as stated above. (It is also stated in the order confirmation form.)

Payment Method: It is the "Payment Method" chosen by the buyer during the order.

Delivery Address: It is the "Delivery Address" specified by the buyer during the order.

Delivery Person: It is the "Delivery Person" specified by the Buyer during the order.

Invoice Address: It is the "Invoice Address" specified by the buyer during the order.

Shipping Fee: “https://www. It is the Shipping Fee determined for the package on the "" website.


Article 4 - General Provisions

Article 4.1 - The BUYER declare that he/she has read and is informed of the preliminary information about basic characteristics, sales price and payment method of the product subject to the contract, as well as the the delivery on the website "" belonging to the SELLER, and made the required confirmation in the electronic media.


Article 4.2 - The product subject to the contract is delivered to the BUYER or the person/organization at the address indicated within the period specified in the preliminary information on the website, depending on the distance of the BUYER's residence for each product, provided that it does not exceed the legal 30-day period.


Article 4.3 - If the product subject to the contract is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to be delivered does not accept the delivery.


Article 4.4 - The SELLER is responsible for the delivery of the contracted product in a sound, complete, in state compatible with the qualifications specified in the order and with warranty documents and user manuals, if any.


Article 4.5 - For the delivery of the product subject to the contract, the signed copy of this contract must be delivered to the SELLER and the price must be paid in the form of payment preferred by the BUYER. If, for any reason, the product price is not paid or canceled in the bank records, the SELLER is deemed to be relieved of its obligation to deliver the product.


Article 4.6 - In case the relevant bank or financial institution fails to pay the product price to the SELLER due to the unfair or unlawful use of the BUYER's credit card by unauthorized persons after the delivery of the product, provided that the BUYER has delivered it to him. The product must be sent to the SELLER within 3 days. In this case, the shipping costs belong to the BUYER.


Article 4.7 - If the SELLER cannot deliver the product subject to the contract in due time due to force majeure or extraordinary circumstances such as weather conditions preventing transportation, interruption of transportation, the SELLER is obliged to notify the BUYER. In this case, the BUYER may use one of the rights to cancel the order, replace the product subject to the contract with its precedent, if any, and/or postpone the delivery time until the obstacle is removed. If the BUYER cancels the order, the amount paid shall be returned to him in cash and in full within 10 days.


Article 4.8 - The packaging type and product appearing in the product images may vary depending on the product's feature. The packaging of the products may differ from the images.


Article 4.9 – The product is kept in suitable storage conditions for shipment and sale. Products in this product group are sent from the storage area.


Article 4.10 - The SELLER is not responsible for faulty prices caused by typographical and system errors.


Article 4.11 - This contract shall become valid with the BUYER's purchase of the product.

Article 4.12- Persons under the age of 18 cannot shop from the SELLER.


Article 5- Right of Withdrawal

The BUYER has the right to withdraw within 7 days from the delivery of the product subject to the contract to himself/herself or the person/organization at the address indicated. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the SELLER must be notified by fax, e-mail or telephone within this period and the product must not be used in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 and the package must not be opened. In case this right is exercised, it is obligatory to return the original invoice with a copy of the cargo delivery report stating that the product delivered to the 3rd person or the BUYER has been sent to the SELLER. The product price is returned to the BUYER within 7 days following the receipt of these documents. If the original invoice is not sent, VAT and other legal obligations, if any, cannot be returned. The shipping cost of the product returned due to the right of withdrawal is borne by the BUYER.


 Article 6- Products for which the Right of Withdrawal cannot be exercised

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for products that cannot be returned due to their nature. When an undesirable situation such as crushing or deterioration is observed in these products, the product must be sent to by taking the picture of the product on the day the cargo arrives, before the product packaging is completely opened, and the problem should be reported in writing.


Article 7 - Declarations and Commitments of the Seller


Article 7.1 - The "Seller" is responsible for the delivery of the contracted goods/services intact, complete, in state compatible with the qualifications specified in the order, and with warranty documents and user manuals, if any.


Article 7.2 - Based on a justified reason, the "SELLER" may supply goods/services of equal quality and price to the "BUYER" before the handling period in the contract expires.


Article 7.3 - If the "SELLER" thinks that the rendering of the goods/services has become impossible, it notifies the "BUYER" before the handling period in the contract expires. The paid price and documents, if any, are returned within 10 (ten) days.


Article 8 - Characteristics of the Goods/Services Subject to the Contract

The sort and type, quantity, brand/model, color and sales price including all taxes of the goods/services are as stated in the information on the goods/service promotion page on the " " site and on the invoice, which is considered an integral part of this contract.


Article 9 - Cancellation of New Order

When you want to cancel your order that you have just placed on “ ", please see your orders in the "My Orders" section. The order list will be listed on the screen. You can cancel your order by contacting us for your orders that show "Preparing" on this screen. Refunds are made after your canceled orders are approved by the accounting office. In order for us to be able to cancel your new orders, your order must not have been shipped. Order cancellations cannot be made for products with the phrase "Your Order Has Been Shipped" in the My Orders section.


Article 10 - State of Default and Its Legal Consequences


Article 10.1 - In the event that the “BUYER” defaults on his credit card transactions, the cardholder shall pay interest within the framework of the credit card contract signed by the bank with him and be liable to the bank. In this case, the relevant bank may take legal action; may request the costs and attorney's fees to arise from the "BUYER". In case of default in the handling of its debt, the "BUYER" agrees to pay the loss and damage suffered by the "SELLER" due to the delayed handling of the debt.


Article 10.2 - In the event that the "Buyer" chooses one of the other payment methods, he/she will be liable to the "seller" within the framework of the general provisions, in case of default in the handling of his debt.


Article 11- Competent Court

The sole authority for the implementation of this contract shall be Istanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices. In the event that the order is realized, the BUYER is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract.


